Depression is a difficult condition that can result from complex interactions of social, psychological, and biological factors, and has any number of triggers, such as stressors at home or work, traumatic events in childhood that has been repressed for years, or complex grief. Take back control over your life with depression treatment and reduce your symptoms. It is difficult to live with depression on a daily basis, yet depression is very treatable.

There is no need to struggle with symptoms for weeks or years, and therapy can help you cope with the effects of depression in a healthy and effective way. It can help you feel motivated by life and live with purpose again. Finding the right psychotherapist who can help you understand and work through the underlying causes of depression as well as develop coping strategies to deal with the symptoms is often the first step to feeling better. There is hope and the therapists at Emerge Psychology Group can help make the change you want to see in your life and can provide you with relief from your depression.

Symptoms of Depression

Depression is a mood disorder felt by close to five percent of the American population, ranges on a spectrum from mild to severe, and expresses itself uniquely, based on individual circumstances. One person might suffer from extreme sadness while another may suffer from more subtle symptoms.

People typically experience one or more of the following symptoms:

  • Depressed or irritable mood.

  • Decrease or loss of appetite.

  • Diminished interest in or enjoyment of activities.

  • Sleeplessness or hypersomnia.

  • Lack of energy

  • Poor concentration and indecisiveness

  • Social withdrawal

  • Feelings of hopelessness, worthlessness, or inappropriate guilt

  • Low self-esteem

  • Unresolved grief issues

Depression Counseling Helps … Find your Light

We help you identify solutions to relieve depression that are specific to your personal situation. In terms of therapy outcomes, we recognize the relationship between client and therapist matters a lot. A good relationship is essential to helping the client connect with, remain in and get the most from therapy. We acknowledge that depressive symptoms can be complex and that unhealthy thinking patterns and beliefs about self, others, and the world contribute to feelings of depression.

All doctoral and master’s level clinicians at Emerge Psychology Group have trained and worked for years to help others overcome their depressive symptoms. The skills we will teach you will focus on your specific challenges, and we build an individualized treatment plan to reach your goals as quickly as possible. We utilize an integrative approach including Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Interpersonal Therapy, and Psychodynamic Therapy, which can treat depression with the highest success rates. Our therapists specialize in treating depression from evidence-based perspectives, and we know that therapy and lasting change takes time and commitment, and our work is grounded in the latest research and best practices in mental health.

We will help decrease depressive symptoms and return to previous level of effective functioning, develop healthy thinking patterns and beliefs about self, others, and the world that lead to improvement and prevents the relapse of depression. Therapists at Emerge Psychology Group will work with you to develop healthy interpersonal relationships, appropriately grieve loss in order to normalize mood, as well as normalize energy level and return to usual activities, good judgment, stable mood, more realistic expectations, and goal-directed behavior.

Online Therapy for Depression … We offer Telehealth Appointments

Doing counseling sessions online via a secure video platform can be as effective as in person sessions. Cognitive reframing techniques, coping skills, and how to change your thinking patterns can all be shared online. If you need the convenience and flexibility of virtual sessions, online counseling through Emerge Psychology Group can help.

Contact Us

Do not let depression take over your life. Our goal is for you to leave feeling more prepared, and having a stronger sense of self-confidence in your ability to tackle all of life's challenges. The tools and skills you learn will be available to help you well beyond the end of our time together. Learn what it is like to enjoy life again without constant sadness.

You deserve the best treatment, a journey toward a more grounded and joyful life.

Learn.Grow.Heal … Emerge Well

Schedule your appointment today to learn more about how therapy for depression can help you.